Sun, Panels, Action

Your Solar FAQ Guide


Your Guide to Understanding Solar Energy

Whether you’re curious about installation processes, cost, maintenance, or simply want to learn more about how solar power can benefit your home or business, you’ll find all the essential information right here. Dive in to get detailed insights and expert answers that will empower you to make informed decisions about adopting solar technology.

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

How do solar power systems work?

Solar power systems capture sunlight using photovoltaic (PV) panels, converting it into electricity for your home or business. Excess energy can be stored in solar batteries for use at night or during low sunlight, ensuring a consistent power supply.

What makes Pro Green Energy a preferred choice for solar solutions?

Our CEC accreditation signifies our commitment to quality and safety in solar installations. With extensive experience and a focus on customer support, we ensure that each project meets the highest standards of efficiency and sustainability.

Can solar power systems reduce my energy bills?

Yes, by generating your own electricity with a solar power system, you can significantly reduce your reliance on grid electricity, leading to substantial savings on your energy bills over time.

What solar products does Pro Green Energy offer?

We offer a wide range of solar products, including top-quality solar panels, batteries, inverters, and mounting systems from leading manufacturers. Our selection caters to various energy needs and preferences, ensuring the best fit for your project.

How do I choose the right solar system for my needs?

Our team provides personalized consultations to determine the best solar solution based on your energy usage, property specifics, and budget. We consider factors such as system size, product performance, and financial incentives to recommend the ideal setup for you.

Is my property suitable for solar installation?

Most properties are suitable for solar, but factors like roof space, orientation, and shading can affect system design and efficiency. Our experts conduct on-site assessments to ensure optimal placement and performance.

What is a Smart-Hybrid System?

A smart-hybrid system integrates solar panels with battery storage and grid connection, maximizing on-site solar usage, storing excess energy, and providing backup power during outages. It's an efficient solution for energy self-sufficiency.

Can I add more panels to my existing solar system?

Expanding your solar system is possible, depending on factors such as your current inverter's capacity and available roof space. We evaluate these aspects to recommend the best approach for upgrading your system.

How long do solar systems last?

Solar panels are durable, often with warranties of 20-25 years, but they can last longer. Inverters and batteries might require replacement sooner, depending on their lifespan and warranty terms.

How does solar battery storage work?

Solar batteries store excess energy generated during the day for use when the sun isn't shining. This enhances your energy independence, reduces grid reliance, and provides backup power during outages.

Should I invest in a battery storage system now?

With the increasing cost of electricity and improvements in battery technology, investing in a battery system now can offer immediate savings and greater energy independence. Battery prices have been decreasing, making it a worthwhile investment.

How do solar power systems work?

Solar power systems capture sunlight using photovoltaic (PV) panels, converting it into electricity for your home or business. Excess energy can be stored in solar batteries for use at night or during low sunlight, ensuring a consistent power supply.

Will I have power during a blackout with a solar and battery system?

Yes, a properly configured solar system with battery storage can provide power to essential appliances and lights during a blackout, ensuring continuous power supply.

How much can I save by installing a solar energy system?

Savings depend on the system size, your energy usage, and the feed-in tariff rates. Our solar solutions are designed to maximize your savings and reduce your energy bills significantly.

 What happens to my solar system on cloudy days?

Solar panels can still generate electricity on cloudy days, though at a reduced efficiency. Systems are designed to account for your location's weather patterns, ensuring reliable energy production year-round.

What maintenance is required for a solar system?

Solar systems require minimal maintenance, mainly periodic panel cleaning and system checks to ensure peak performance. We provide maintenance services and guidance to keep your system running smoothly.

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